A Hustler Mentality

Nasreen Akhtar
3 min readDec 6, 2020

“Things may come to those who wait, but only the things left by those who hustle.”-Abraham Lincoln

There are two types of people in this world, hustlers and everyone else…

A hustler is someone who is very much in tune with themselves, they have a high level of self-awareness. They know what they want and, are willing to take risks, fail and get back up again even if it means getting knocked down multiple times. A hustler faces their fear head on, and is aware that to get something, you have to do something different.

They are someone whose ambition and aspirations are clearly aligned.

They don’t wait on the world to validate them or, give them permission. They give notice that non-negotiable and unapologetic just showed up!

Hustlers don’t make excuses when they don’t achieve their goals, and, they don’t allow themselves to get ‘paralysis of the analysis’ when they come across stumbling blocks. In fact, they rather accept it as a challenge and, step forward to see the opportunities which lie ahead. They learn, refine and, grow, a process of continual improvement.

They never say “I don’t know-how,” they say, “I am willing to learn how”.

Hustlers are one of a kind, indeed one would say a very rare breed.

A hustler is smart enough to know where they should best spend their time to achieve results to the highest level.

They are visionaries,who begin with the end in mind, this in turn allows them to plan and prioritise with precision.

Every situation,including a negative one, a hustler has the ability to see opportunity in it, know also as an ‘opportunist’.

They don’t let themselves off their genius, brilliance, and humanity, they have a willingness to live in a constant duality through allowing their brilliance and confusion to co-exist.

They find perfections in their imperfections, never letting anything go to waste.

A hustler is humble enough to seek help if needed. They know the importance of ‘interdependence’.

They are willing to say no, to anything which is not aligned with their vision, beliefs, values, and morals.

You can’t learn a hustler mentality sitting in a classroom from a textbook. It is a skill that is acquired through real-life experiences and adversity’s faced. We all have a hustler in us somewhere.

Someone once said something which I couldn’t understand then, but I fully appreciate now “conviction is not convenient, you have to have bumps and bruises to pave your path to success”.

A hustler knows, you cannot plant your seed and, expect a harvest in the same season. It requires, effective strategy, time management, consistency and, persistence.

Have you got what it takes to bring out the hustler in you?

Are you willing to step out of your convenience, into being inconvenienced to get to your vision of where you want to be?



Nasreen Akhtar

Bookworm ~ Passion for writing 📝☕~ Interests in Philosophy, Psychology and Politics~🧘‍♀️lover of Memes